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Helping families with children

be healthly & stay connected

family laughing.png

Excited to have you here!

Healthy Whole Humans is here to give you information in a fun, simple way so you can make healthier choices for you and your family.


I help families with children to overcome challenging behavioural issues, on-going sickness and disconnection within the family.

As a result you'll feel peaceful, aligned, a whole lot healthier; AND able to connect as a family!


Being a Healthy Whole Human is taking full responsibility and ownership of your life. It’s engaging in what’s not working to make it better, it’s a fully functioning human who engages in the world with kindness and joy.



food, products, natural REMEDIES, nature


fully functioning emotionally, physically, spiritually


high vibe beings

Hi! I'm Bonita
(here to laugh and do some good)

One of my gifts is breaking through old ways of seeing things and offering a new, revolutionary point of view. 

I’ll give you the information and a plethora of tools to improve health, wellbeing and connection for you and your family!

Classes & Workshops

Each activity has been made with love and care, focusing on;

  • curiosity,

  • creativity and

  • connection



Designed specifically to give families tools you’ll use forever!

The ‘Welcome To Family Activities’ class is a FREE introduction to learn about what these activities look like plus you’ll also get a couple BONUS activities to do with your family :)


Choose your next Activity….


“This program has been invaluable in supporting students to appreciate themselves and acknowledge their place in the world. It has allowed them to put their learning into practice and many have already used the tools when faced with challenging situations.”



Health and Connection workshops for you and your children!

“The program has provided students with a collection of ‘tools’ to help them navigate through life as healthy, happy and confident people, ready to face their bright futures.”


Our AIM is to

To make better things, and hopefully make things better for you and your children.

youtube podcast

Head over to see the beautiful humans sharing their knowledge with me.


* Angela is petitioning to have sexually explicit children’s books classified, download the petition here. Post completed petitions to: P.O box 643 Magill, SA 5072

Your diet is not only what you eat. It’s what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, the people you hang around… be mindful of the things you put into your body emotionally, spiritually and physically.
Create a home you're excited about!


You always have the opportunity to grow, learn, be better and do better. When you’re not actively involved in what you’re putting into your body, or the quality of your relationships and environment, things start to deteriorate - relationships fade, health issues increase, and thoughts in your head spiral.

When you’re absolutely involved in life, you continue to be a student of life to be a better human for yourself and your children. You understand who you are, so your behaviour and actions create kindness, not harm. You connect with your natural gifts and talents to bring joy to your life and the world. You play an integral part in creating a just, equal, free world for you and the little humans in it.

Volunteer Donations

Volunteer donations go towards ongoing costs of maintaining platforms and materials that go into sharing information and resources with you.

Your contribution is very much appreciated.


With love, Bonita xx


a better future awaits…
